Baked Cheesecake Baked Cheese Cake 18 Slices A traditional Baked Cheese Cake with a homemade Butter-Biscuit...
Belgian Chocolate Mousse Belgian Chocolate Mousse Cake 18 Slices A Belgian Dark Chocolate Mousse Cake, covered in Dark Chocolate Ganache, dressed with Dark Chocolate...
Ferrero Rocher Cake Ferrero Rocher Cake 18 Slices A Chocolate and Hazelnut Sponge, layered with a Moca Wafer and Hazelnut Filling, decorated with Ferrero Rocher Chocolate, covered with a Picasso...
Red Velvet Cake Red Velvet 18 Slices Traditional moist Buttermilk Sponge layered with Cream Cheese...
Bar One Caramel Cake Bar One Caramel Cake 18 Slices A Caramel Layered Chocolate Cake dressed in Chocolate Petals, filled with Bar one...